Wiki source code of 3.A. Überblick

Last modified by Patrick Theil on 2023/11/03 14:16

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1 The administration of Rangee Linux Thin Clients is based on an internal web server. So you have a uniform user interface whether you make the settings from the distance (remote) or on-site (local). The internal web server will start with the Kommbox.
2 You will find further information about the remote administration at [[Administration of the Clients→Remote Administration>>url:]].
3 On the menu item Setup you can log into the Kommbox. For this please use the following access data:
4 \\User name: administrator
5 Password: engels
6 \\After a successful registration as administrator the Kommbox offers different options which are summed up thematically in nine menu items.
7 Furthermore the startpage provides useful tools in order to administrate the Thin Client.
9 (% class="relative-table wrapped" style="height:474px; width:525px" %)
10 |(% class="highlight-grey" colspan="1" data-highlight-colour="grey" style="width:177px" %)(% class="highlight-grey" colspan="1" data-highlight-colour="grey" %)
11 (((
12 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
13 (((
14 (% class="inlinemediaobject strong" %)[[[[image:attach:image2020-4-22_15-51-28.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.B Informationen.WebHome]]
15 )))
16 )))|(% class="highlight-grey" colspan="1" data-highlight-colour="grey" style="width:173px" %)(% class="highlight-grey" colspan="1" data-highlight-colour="grey" %)
17 (((
18 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
19 (((
20 (% class="inlinemediaobject strong" %)[[[[image:attach:image2020-4-22_15-51-41.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.C Benutzereinstellungen.WebHome]]
21 )))
22 )))|(% class="highlight-grey" colspan="1" data-highlight-colour="grey" style="width:174px" %)(% class="highlight-grey" colspan="1" data-highlight-colour="grey" %)
23 (((
24 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
25 (((
26 (% class="inlinemediaobject strong" %)[[[[image:attach:image2020-4-22_15-51-57.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.D Desktop-Konfiguration.WebHome]]
27 )))
28 )))
29 |(% class="highlight-grey" data-highlight-colour="grey" style="width:177px" %)(% class="highlight-grey" data-highlight-colour="grey" %)
30 (((
31 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
32 (((
33 (% class="inlinemediaobject strong" %)[[[[image:attach:image2020-4-22_15-52-8.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.E Remote Administration.WebHome]]
34 )))
35 )))|(% class="highlight-grey" data-highlight-colour="grey" style="width:173px" %)(% class="highlight-grey" data-highlight-colour="grey" %)
36 (((
37 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
38 (((
39 (% class="inlinemediaobject strong" %)[[[[image:attach:image2020-4-22_15-52-17.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.F Anschlüsse.WebHome]]
40 )))
41 )))|(% class="highlight-grey" data-highlight-colour="grey" style="width:174px" %)(% class="highlight-grey" data-highlight-colour="grey" %)
42 (((
43 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
44 (((
45 (% class="inlinemediaobject strong" %)[[[[image:attach:image2020-4-22_15-52-28.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.G Peripherie.WebHome]]
46 )))
47 )))
48 |(% class="highlight-grey" data-highlight-colour="grey" style="text-align:center; width:177px" %)(% class="highlight-grey" data-highlight-colour="grey" style="text-align: center;" %)
49 (((
50 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
51 (((
52 (% class="inlinemediaobject strong" %)[[[[image:attach:image2020-4-22_15-52-45.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.H\. ActiveDirectory Konfiguration.WebHome||shape="rect"]]
53 )))
54 )))|(% class="highlight-grey" data-highlight-colour="grey" style="text-align:center; width:173px" %)(% class="highlight-grey" data-highlight-colour="grey" style="text-align: center;" %)
55 (((
56 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
57 (((
58 (% class="inlinemediaobject strong" %)[[[[image:attach:image2020-4-22_15-53-2.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.I\. Software Aktualisierung.WebHome]](%%)
59 )))
60 )))|(% class="highlight-grey" data-highlight-colour="grey" style="width:174px" %)(% class="highlight-grey" data-highlight-colour="grey" %)
61 (((
62 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
63 (((
64 (% class="inlinemediaobject strong" %)[[[[image:attach:image2020-4-22_15-53-15.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.J\. Verbindungen und Anwendungen.WebHome]]
65 )))
66 )))
68 (//klicken Sie die Kacheln an um zum jeweiligen Punkt zu springen//)
70 Down below you will find different buttons on the right bottom corner.
72 (% class="wrapped" %)
73 |(((
74 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
75 (((
76 [[image:attach:komb00_button_abmelden.png]](% class="strong" %)
77 )))
78 )))|(((
79 (% class="strong" %)Log Off*
80 )))|After logging off following users are not able to change or submit administrative settings.
81 |(((
82 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
83 (((
84 [[image:attach:komb00_button_herunterfahren.png]]
85 )))
86 )))|(((
87 (% class="strong" %)Shutdown~*~*
88 )))|(((
89 Shuts the device down.
90 )))
91 |(((
92 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
93 (((
94 (% class="strong" %)[[image:attach:komb00_neustarten.png]]
95 )))
96 )))|(((
97 (% class="strong" %)Restart~*~*
98 )))|(((
99 This can be necessary when there are pending changes for the system which are effective after restart only.
100 )))
102 ~* This button shows up when you are logged in.
103 ~** Via remote access (IP-address of the Thin Client) this button is active if you have logged in and have access to the required rights.