Last modified by Adrian Hömann on 2024/03/07 16:56

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Adrian Hömann 31.1 1 The Rangee Thin Client Management Server (TCMS) can be used as a gateway to connect externally operated Rangee Thin Clients to your network. This HowTo describes the necessary configuration steps.
Ulrich Mertz 4.1 2
Adrian Hömann 31.1 3 {{info title="Last tested with the following versions"}}
4 **Firmware and Software:**
Ulrich Mertz 4.1 5
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 6 **RangeeOS**
Ulrich Mertz 4.1 7
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 8 * firmware x64 - 11.00 Build 358
Ulrich Mertz 4.1 9
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 10 **TCMS**
Ulrich Mertz 4.1 11
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 12 * firmware x64 - 11.00 Build 358
Tobias Wintrich 21.1 13 * TCMS 1.8 x64 11.00 Build 033
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 14 {{/info}}
Ulrich Mertz 4.1 15
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 16 {{toc/}}
Ulrich Mertz 4.1 17
Adrian Hömann 31.1 18 = Prerequisites =
Ulrich Mertz 4.1 19
Adrian Hömann 31.1 20 To utilize the TCMS VPN functionality, the following prerequisites must be met:
Ulrich Mertz 4.1 21
Adrian Hömann 31.1 22 1. The Thin Client with RangeeOS must have the "tcmsclient-vpn" license. If you don't have a license for the module yet, you can purchase one through our [[sales department >>]] or via our [[contact form >>]] or request a [[30-day demo license >>]].
23 1. The TCMS must be reachable via a fixed IP or hostname.
24 1. The TCMS must be reachable by both the chosen registration port and the chosen VPN port for the clients.
25 1. The servers that the clients should be reachable through the TCMS must be reachable by the TCMS.
Ulrich Mertz 4.1 26
Adrian Hömann 31.1 27 = Configuration =
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 28
29 {{warning}}
Adrian Hömann 31.1 30 The configuration presented here must make the TCMS available from the internet for your clients. In this context, we recommend using the [[TCMS - Signature Verification >>]] to prevent unauthorized clients from registering with the TCMS.
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 31 {{/warning}}
33 == TCMS ==
Adrian Hömann 31.1 35 === Configuring an Additional TCMS API Port ===
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 36
Adrian Hömann 31.1 37 By configuring an additional TCMS API port, you can define a port through which only Thin Clients can connect to the TCMS, while the web interface is not available. Using the additional API port is **highly recommended** when making the TCMS available over the internet.
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 38
Adrian Hömann 31.1 39 You can configure the additional API port in the TCMS under {{status title="Edit"/}} -> {{status title="Settings"/}} -> {{status title="Base Settings"/}}. Here are the options:
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 40
41 {{warning}}
Adrian Hömann 31.1 42 Changes made to these options require a restart of the TCMS.
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 43 {{/warning}}
Adrian Hömann 31.1 45 * **Additional API Port** - Freely selectable TCP port, in our example 8888.
46 * **Allow Repository Access via Additional API Port** (optional) - Allows clients to receive updates from the TCMS repository via this port.
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 47
Adrian Hömann 31.1 48 [[TCMS - Base Settings>>image:TCMS-Base-Settings.png]]
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 49
Adrian Hömann 31.1 50 === Configuring the TCMS VPN Connection ===
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 51
52 {{info}}
Adrian Hömann 31.1 53 Networks defined in this section are represented in CIDR form (x.x.x.x/y -> x.x.x.x = IP, y = Subnet). Information on this notation can be found, for example, here:
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 54
Adrian Hömann 31.1 55 [[Wikipedia - Classless Inter-Domain Routing>>]]
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 56 {{/info}}
Adrian Hömann 31.1 58 You can find the TCMS VPN configuration under (% id="cke_bm_9924S" style="display:none" %) (%%) {{status title="Edit"/}} -> {{status title="Settings"/}} -> {{status title="TCMS VPN Settings"/}} (% id="cke_bm_9924E" style="display:none" %) (%%). Here are the following options:
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 59
60 {{warning}}
Adrian Hömann 31.1 61 Changes made to these options require a restart of the TCMS.
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 62 {{/warning}}
Adrian Hömann 31.1 64 * **Enable TCMS VPN** - Activates the TCMS VPN service.
65 * **VPN Subnet** - Defines an internal TCMS-VPN-CLIENT subnet in CIDR form. This network should **not** overlap with your internal network.
66 * **TCMS VPN Address** - Address of the TCMS server within the VPN subnet.
67 * **VPN Port** - UDP port over which the VPN connection should be established. Must be made externally available.
68 * **VPN Route Metric** - Determines the metric with which the VPN connection is established on the client side.
69 * **Allow VPN NAT routing** - When enabled, this option allows VPN-connected clients to access servers defined under **Externally accessible targets**.
70 * **Externally accessible targets** - In this text field, any targets for VPN-connected clients can be made available. The following notations must be used, where only the specification of the server/subnet is mandatory:
71 #Server/Subnet in CIDR form#:#Port#,#Port2#|#Protocol1#,#Protocol2#
72 **Examples**:
73 ** ** **or ****
74 Allows access to all ports on the server with IP
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 75 ** ****
Adrian Hömann 31.1 76 Allows access to all machines in subnet
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 77 ** ****
Adrian Hömann 31.1 78 Allows access to the server with IP only on port 3389.
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 79 ** **,4712**
Adrian Hömann 31.1 80 Allows access to the server with IP on ports 443 and 4712.
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 81 ** **|tcp**
Adrian Hömann 31.1 82 Allows access to all machines in subnet on port 3389 TCP.
83 ** **|tcp,udp,icmp**
84 Allows access to all machines in subnet on port 443 TCP, UDP, and ICMP (Ping).
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 85
Adrian Hömann 31.1 86 [[TCMS VPN Settings>>image:TCMS-VPN-Settings.png]]
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 87
Adrian Hömann 31.1 88 === Specifying VPN Clients ===
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 89
Adrian Hömann 31.1 90 The specification of which clients should use the TCMS VPN configuration is done through a group setting.
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 91
Adrian Hömann 31.1 92 To do this, select the group in the {{status title="Groups"/}} tab for which you want to enable TCMS-VPN. Then, enable the **"Allow TCMS VPN for this group"** option in the {{status title="Settings"/}} tab of the group.
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 93
Adrian Hömann 31.1 94 [[Activate VPN Connection for Group>>image:Activate-VPN-Connection-Group.png]]
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 95
96 == Thin Client ==
Adrian Hömann 31.1 98 On the Thin Client side, no special configuration is required to use the TCMS VPN connection. The client receives all necessary data for this from its TCMS configuration.
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 99
Adrian Hömann 31.1 100 However, ensure that the client establishes its connection to the TCMS via the **Additional API Port** and the **externally resolvable hostname or fixed IP address**. You can find the setting in the client's Kommbox under {{status title="Remote Administration"/}} -> {{status title="TCMS Settings"/}}.
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 101
Adrian Hömann 31.1 102 [[TCMS Settings on Thin Client Side>>image:TCMS-Settings-on-Thin-Client-Side.png]]
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 103
104 == Firewall ==
Adrian Hömann 31.1 106 On the firewall side, appropriate rules must be defined for the ports you have chosen.
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 107
Adrian Hömann 31.1 108 Example configuration for allowing an RDP server:
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 109
110 * TCMS:
111 ** IP in DMZ:
Adrian Hömann 31.1 112 ** API Port 8888
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 113 ** VPN Port 4713
114 * RDP Server:
Adrian Hömann 31.1 115 ** IP in Internal Network:
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 116
Adrian Hömann 31.1 117 For this example configuration, the following rules must be created in your firewall(s):
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 118
Adrian Hömann 31.1 119 1. **DNAT/Allow** from **Internet **to **Port 8888 (TCP)** to **TCMS** (DMZ/
120 2. **DNAT/Allow** from **Internet **to **Port 4713 (UDP)** to **TCMS** (DMZ/
121 3. **DNAT/Allow** from **TCMS **to **Port 3389 (TCP/UDP)** to **RDP Server **(Internal/
Tobias Wintrich 20.1 122
Adrian Hömann 31.1 123 [[image:tcms-vpn.png||alt="Diagram of TCMS VPN Network Configuration"]]
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