3.D.C.A. Install Desktop Wallpaper

Last modified by Patrick Theil on 2023/11/03 14:16

To set a desktop background you have to choose an image/picture from a local device or a network device. Please note that only graphics with the format JPG or GIF can be used. Other formats are not supported by the system.
You will find more about the connection of devices on Peripherals -> Configuration of drives mapping

  1. Click on the button 'Load File...' besides Change background image. You can now select the image-file within the drop down menu filename of desktop background picture that is located on a mounted local- or network-drive if you have configured it successfully before.

  2. Back in the Desktop Configuration choose at Desktop background the option 'Uploaded picture'.

  3. Save the settings with the Confirm-Button; the background-image is now installed.

Tags: Thin Client
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