Last modified by Patrick Theil on 2023/11/03 14:16

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Patrick Theil 10.1 1 After the wireless devices, the Ethernet ports are automatically configured. The setup of the network environment is automated via DHCP.
Admin 6.2 2
Patrick Theil 10.1 4 {{lightbox image="Unbenannt DHCP.PNG" title="Figure 2.5. Setup-Wizard - DHCP configuration" group="1"/}}
rangee rangee 7.1 5
Patrick Theil 10.1 6 //Figure 2.5. Setup-Wizard - DHCP configuration//
Admin 6.2 7
Patrick Theil 10.1 9 If it is not possible to configure the network-settings via DHCP you will be prompted for the manual setup of the network-enviroment. The IP address of the thin client will then automatically set to
10 Above, the network connections are displayed whose settings you can view and edit through the configure-button.
11 By clicking on lan0 you can configure the Ethernet network-card according to your network settings. Basically, you can choose between the automatic assignment of the connection information via DHCP or manually define a static IP-address. To use a DHCP server, you activate the DHCP option only. Otherwise, enter the IP address of the DHCP-server and the subnet mask in the fields below. Confirm your entries here with the Apply-button.
12 The hostname is used by Unix / Linux systems as a hostname and in ICA- or RDP-sessions as the client name. The default hostname is 'mac-' and the respective MAC address of the device.
13 Rangee Linux supports NTP-time server. Once configured the Thin Clients receives the date & time by the specified server.
14 If you need more fonts than Rangee Linux provide, you can connect to an external font server by entering the IP address.
15 In this form a DNS-server and alternate DNS-server can be specified.
Admin 6.2 16
rangee rangee 7.1 17 {{lightbox image="Netzwerk DHCP.PNG" group="1" title="Abbildung 2.6. Setup Wizard – Netzwerk-Einstellungen manuelle Eingabe"/}}
Admin 6.2 18
Patrick Theil 10.1 19 (% class="title" %)