Wiki source code of 3.E.C. TCMS Einstellungen

Last modified by rangee rangee on 2021/10/08 13:45

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rangee rangee 51.1 9 [[[[image:remote-ad2.png||alt="image2020-4-22_16-7-59.png" height="100" width="150"]]>>doc:WebHome]]
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rangee rangee 51.1 15 [[[[image:remote-ad3.png||alt="image2020-4-22_16-8-9.png" height="98" width="150"]]>>doc:3\.E\.A\. Konfigurationsdatei]]
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rangee rangee 51.1 21 [[[[image:remote-ad4.png||alt="image2020-4-22_16-8-19.png" height="101" width="150"]]>>doc:3\.E\.B\. SNMP Einstellungen]]
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rangee rangee 51.1 33 [[[[image:remote-ad6.png||alt="image2020-4-22_16-8-41.png" height="100" width="150"]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.E Remote Administration.3\.E\.D\. Manuelle TCMS Registrierung||shape="rect"]]
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rangee rangee 51.1 44 Via the Rangee Thin Client Management Server (TCMS) multiple Thin Clients can be managed centrally. In order to successfully register a Thin Client on the TCMS you can define parameters for the communication between the client and TCMS in the TCMS settings.
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rangee rangee 51.1 46 TCMS settings
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rangee rangee 51.1 48 * **Receive via DHCP:** If you are operating a DHCP server within your network and it is set up properly, this setting, if enabled, will ensure that the DHCP server provides the address of the TCMS to this Thin Client automatically. In this case the Server field will be filled automatically. Enabled by default.
49 * **Server:** If you are not operating a DHCP server within your network, or you prefer to manually provide the address of the TCMS, you can refer to it in this field, either via its IP address or its FQDN. The setting Receive via DHCP has to be disabled for this to work.
50 * **Allow discovery:** Discovery allows a TCMS to search for clients and request them to register. This can be disabled to prevent a foreign TCMS to claim the client. Enabled by default.
51 * **Ignore connections:** If this setting is enabled, this Thin Client will only receive device configurations without any connection settings from the TCMS. Disabled by default.
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rangee rangee 51.1 53 = Automatic TCMS registration =
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rangee rangee 51.1 55 With the settings under this heading you can adjust, in what situations an automatic TCMS registration should be carried out by this Thin Client. By default all these settings are enabled
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rangee rangee 51.1 57 For more information on Rangee TCMS please refer to the user manual of the TCMS or contact the Support.
rangee rangee 40.1 59 {{lightbox image="tcms einstellungen.PNG" group="1"/}}
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Admin 17.1 62 Weitere Informationen zum Rangee TCMS finden Sie im Benutzerhandbuch des TCMS oder erfragen Sie bitte beim Rangee Support.