1.C. Training

Last modified by rangee rangee on 2021/10/08 11:31

As part of the Rangee partner program the Rangee GmbH offers specific qualified user trainings to teach the safe handling with the Rangee products. Participants will learn within the training the administration and configuration of the Rangee Thin Clients and of the Rangee TCMS (Thin Client Management Server). This training is intended for our customers as well as for our partners.
To ascend from the silver-partner to the gold-partner status a technical contact with RCA (Rangee Certified Administrator) certificat is requested. This certificat is attested at the end of the successful finished training.
These trainings provide the technical comprehension and knowledge for the use of the Rangee Thin Clients and the TCMS (Thin Client Management Server).
For this reason Rangee trainings are targeted for two days.
On the first day the content will be the theory of Thin Clients and TCMS.
On the second day of the training there will be a workshop where the theory will be trained on practical examples. At the end of the second day is the final exam where one has to work on an individual examination question.

Your Goals:

  • Professional 1st and 2nd level support
  • Qualified fault analysis
  • Independent preparation of troubleshooting
  • Assured handling of the configuring of Rangee Thin Clients
  • Handling of the firmware updates and security functions
  • Administration of the Rangee Thin Client Management Server (TCMS)
  • High user acceptance and satisfaction through professional service with settings, configuration and administration

The training takes place in Aachen in the training rooms of the Rangee GmbH and take an entire day.
We also would be pleased to realize the training at your company.
Further information about user training is available on our Homepage