Last modified by Ulrich Mertz on 2024/09/06 10:43

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4 {{info}}
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 5 Subject: RangeeOS License Information
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 6
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 7 Release: 27.02.2024
rangee rangee 1.1 8 {{/info}}
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 10 Rangee Software automatically retrieves the required licenses from the Rangee license server. To do this, the address must be accessible. Offline activation is also possible, more information on this can be found below under [["How do I activate a license for my device?">>doc:||anchor="License_activate"]].
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 12 A license is tied to the main network address. The main network address is the first MAC address of the primary network device.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 14 The term of a license begins at the time the license is issued or the date of purchase of the license, whichever is more recent.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 16 The following licenses are offered:
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 18 ~1. RangeeOS12 license
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 20 2. Demo license
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 22 3. All license
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 24 4. Windows Kommbox license
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 26 5. Application license
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 28 = RangeeOS12 license =
DanielBoker 16.1 29
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 30 A device on which RangeeOS 12.00 is installed and used productively requires a RangeeOS12 license.
DanielBoker 16.1 31
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 32 All thin client functions are activated, except those that require an application license.
DanielBoker 16.1 33
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 34 The RangeeOS12 license is included when purchasing a RangeeOS-based Rangee thin client product.
DanielBoker 16.1 35
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 36 When purchasing a RangeeOS12 license, all updates within the RangeeOS12 firmware are included.
DanielBoker 16.1 37
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 38 All RangeeOS-based thin clients with a delivery date from October 1, 2023 have a RangeeOS12 license.
DanielBoker 16.1 39
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 40 A RangeeOS12 license entitles you to use the All license for one year from the start of the license, which makes a temporary downgrade to RangeeOS 11 possible, for example.
DanielBoker 16.1 41
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 42 The license can be transferred according to the [[1-2-3 rule>>doc:||anchor="1-2-3"]]. The 1-2-3 rule means that a license can be moved three times within two years from the start of the term.
DanielBoker 16.1 43
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 44 = Demo License =
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 45
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 46 An installation that is only used for testing purposes receives a demo license.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 48 The term and function depends on the licensed product.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 50 RangeeOS and Windows Kommbox automatically retrieve a demo license after installation. This demo license has a term of 30 days and contains all the functions of the respective products.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 52 Demo licenses are available for applications on request.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 54 It is not possible to transfer the license.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 56 = All License =
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 57
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 58 An All License unlocks all RangeeOS versions.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 60 All thin client functions are unlocked, except those that require an application license.
Ulrich Mertz 15.4 61
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 62 When purchasing an All License, all downgrades, updates and upgrades are included.
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 63
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 64 All RangeeOS-based Rangee Thin Client products with a purchase date up to September 30, 2023 include an All License.
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 65
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 66 A license can be transferred according to the [[1-2-3 rule>>doc:||anchor="1-2-3"]]. The 1-2-3 rule means that a license can be moved three times within two years from the start of the term.
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 67
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 68 The term of an All license is limited, more information on this below under [["How long is a license valid?">>doc:||anchor="License_valid"]].
DanielBoker 16.1 69
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 70 = Windows Kommbox license =
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 71
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 72 A device on which Rangee Windows Kommbox is installed and used productively requires a Windows Kommbox license.
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 73
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 74 All thin client functions are activated, except those that require an application license
Ulrich Mertz 15.4 75
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 76 The Windows Kommbox license is already included when you purchase a Windows-based Rangee thin client product.
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 77
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 78 When you purchase the Windows Kommbox license, all updates are included for life.
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 79
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 80 The license can be transferred according to the [[1-2-3 rule>>doc:||anchor="1-2-3"]]. The 1-2-3 rule means that a license can be moved three times within two years from the start of the term.
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 81
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 82 = Application License =
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 84 Product-specific licenses are offered for the following applications:
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 85
86 * Rangee USB Easylogin
87 * HybridDesktop:
88 ** AppControl
89 ** SoundControl
90 ** BrowserRedirection
91 ** Fon
92 * TCMS VPN Client
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 94 Depending on the product, subscription licenses (recurring activation) with different terms or lifetime licenses (one-time activation) are offered.
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 95
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 96 = =
Ulrich Mertz 15.2 97
Tobias Wintrich 14.1 98 = FAQ =
rangee rangee 1.1 99
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 100 == {{id name="License_unlock"/}}How do I unlock a license for my device? ==
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 102 **~ **Licenses for the Rangee OS or our Kommbox for Windows can be activated in 3 ways:
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 104 * Via a direct connection between the client and our activation server [[>>url:||shape="rect"]] via port 443
105 * Via an indirect connection via your TCMS (min. firmware 10.00 and TCMS 1.6). The TCMS only needs to have access to our activation server. Clients forward their activation request via this.
106 * If options 1 and 2 are not an option, the devices can alternatively be activated by exchanging an activation request file and license file (see [[Rangee license offline activation>>doc:General - Rangee license offline activation]]).
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 108 Here you will find the 3 options explained in more detail:
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 110 [[Retrieve or install client licenses>>doc:HowTos.General - Rangee licensing.General - Retrieve or install client licenses.WebHome]]
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 112 == How do I add new licenses to a client? ==
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 114 The client receives a new license or a term extension by
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 116 * using an activation key. You can enter this in the command box.
118 Command box -> Information -> Licenses -> License request -> Enter activation key, Apply. Once the licenses have been retrieved, the device should be restarted once.
Ulrich Mertz 12.1 119 \\[[image:image-20221130163912-1.png]]
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 120 \\After successful license activation with an activation key, this is used up and cannot be used again. The license is then linked to the MAC address of the device.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 122 * You send the MAC address to [[>>||shape="rect"]]. This is then linked to the purchased license in the database.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 124 * You specify the MAC address in your order. This is then linked to the purchased license in the database.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 126 == What can I do if the end device cannot retrieve a license? ==
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 128 You can start a web browser via the license page.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 130 Check whether the website [[https:~~/~~/>>url:||shape="rect"]] is accessible from the client or from the TCMS server if the license relay is activated.
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 132 Please check if the option {{status title="USE TCMS RELAY"/}} is set on the license activation page of your client. If yes, please check whether your TCMS has the appropriate firmware and software version to be able to serve as a license relay.
rangee rangee 3.1 133
Ulrich Mertz 19.1 134 == I bought Rangee OS for my PC, what happens if the PC fails and needs to be replaced? ==
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 136 The **1-2-3 rule** applies here:
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Ulrich Mertz 19.1 138 A license may not be used within two years.