3.D.A. Desktop - Configuration Kommbox
Show Kommbox is the option to choose if you want the Kommbox to be shown after the start of the Thin Client. Depending on your settings, the Kommbox and the Kommbox icon can be shown on your desktop. Another option is that only the Kommbox or only the Kommbox icon can be shown on your desktop. The last option is that neither the icon nor the Kommbox appears. Of course you still have access to the setup and configuration settings by using network access to the device or open the Kommbox with the keyboard shortcut
Fore more information about remote administration see: Remote-Administation.
Alternatively there is also the option to show another homepage in the Kommbox than the local startup page. For this you only have to add the URL of an alternative homepage in the field Custom startup page. Please note that you have to confirm your changes to the desktop configuration with apply and that some system changes only take effect after a reboot.
The option show stop buttons in Kommbox allows to display connection start buttons as well as buttons to stop connections. After the activation you will find this within the connection overview. For this you have to change to connections.