Changes for page 3.B.E. Über
Last modified by Patrick Theil on 2023/11/03 16:03
From version 3.1
edited by rangee rangee
on 2021/10/08 13:09
on 2021/10/08 13:09
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To version 4.1
edited by rangee rangee
on 2021/10/08 13:10
on 2021/10/08 13:10
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There is no comment for this version
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- Content
... ... @@ -41,9 +41,7 @@ 41 41 (% class="auto-cursor-target" %) 42 42 ~-~-- 43 43 44 -This menu shows how local USB-drives are registered at the Thin Client. Every drive can be added to a Black- or Whitelist by model-name or the vendor-id to grant or deny access. (This option can be configured at: [[Peripherals -> Drives Mapping Configuration ->45 - Global Settings>>doc:Handbuecher.10\.00.Admin Guide 10\.00.Kapitel 3 - Administration desClients.3\.G\. Peripherie.3\.G\.D\. Konfiguration von Laufwerkszuordnungen.GlobaleEinstellungen]])44 +This menu shows how local USB-drives are registered at the Thin Client. Every drive can be added to a Black- or Whitelist by model-name or the vendor-id to grant or deny access. (This option can be configured at: {{status title="Peripherals"/}} -> {{status title="Drives Mapping Configuration"/}} -> 45 +{{status title="Global Settings"/}}) 46 46 47 -Hier wird ausgelesen, wie sich lokale USB-Laufwerke am Thin Client registrieren. Das jeweilige Laufwerk kann dann über den Model-Namen oder die Vendor-ID in einer Black- oder Whitelist erfasst werden (siehe: (% class="emphasis" %){{status title="Peripherie"/}} -> {{status title="Konfiguration von Laufwerkszuordnungen"/}} -> {{status title="Globale Einstellungen"/}}(%%)). 48 - 49 49 {{lightbox image="drives_1.PNG" group="1"/}}