Wiki source code of 3.B.A Allgemeine Informationen

Last modified by Patrick Theil on 2023/11/03 16:03

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9 [[image:attach:image2020-4-22_16-1-31.png]]Information Board
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15 [[~[~[image:attach:image2020-4-22_16-1-58.png~]~]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.B Informationen.3\.B\.B Lizenzen.WebHome]] [[Licences>>doc:.3\.B\.B Lizenzen.WebHome]]
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21 [[~[~[image:attach:image2020-4-22_16-2-13.png~]~]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.B Informationen.3\.B\.C\. PCI-Geräte]] [[PCI-Devices>>doc:3\.B\.C\. PCI-Geräte]]
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27 [[~[~[image:attach:image2020-4-22_16-2-25.png~]~]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.B Informationen.3\.B\.D\. Informationen zu Laufwerken]] [[Drive Informations>>doc:3\.B\.E\. Über]]
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33 [[~[~[image:attach:image2020-4-22_16-2-36.png~]~]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.B Informationen.3\.B\.E\. Hardware-Center]] [[Hardware Center>>doc:3\.B\.D\. Hardware-Center]]
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44 The Information Board gives the overview about important configurations of the Thin Client. It shows the name and the status of the user that is logged in onto the Thin Client.
45 Currently the Rangee Linux provides the user administrator who has all rights and the user guest which has restricted rights.
46 You also get information about the IP-address and MAC- address of the device, as well as the installed software modules and their versions. As well you will find detailed information about the processor, memory size, and the size of the flash memory.
48 {{lightbox image="informationen.PNG" group="1"/}}