4.G. Sustainability

Last modified by Ulrich Mertz on 2023/12/04 17:18

Rangee takes responsibility in saving ressources, reducing electronical waste and saving electronical power consumption.

The following options have been inclueded to minimise the global carbon footprint related with the purchae and use of our product offerings:

1. Material

Rangee is using plastic free packaging.

Rangee does not use mixed materials for housing and Accessories. All parts are designed for easy disassembly and reporposing or recycling.

2. Software:

The Software is supported lifetime. The customer can update Rangee thin clients untill technical features become impossible to integrate.

3. Energy Consumption:

To reduce power consumption we use Energy star certified power supplies.

To save power consumption when working on the device, the power managment options are enabled by default:

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Rangee GmbH ©2022