Wiki source code of 3.C. Benutzereinstellungen

Last modified by rangee rangee on 2021/10/04 11:20

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Admin 11.1 1 (% class="auto-cursor-target" %)
4 (% style="width:360px" %)
rangee rangee 26.2 5 |(% colspan="1" style="text-align:center; width:180px" %)(% colspan="1" %)
Admin 11.1 6 (((
7 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
8 (((
rangee rangee 26.2 9 [[image:attach:image2020-4-22_16-14-3.png]] User Configuration
Admin 11.1 10 )))
rangee rangee 26.2 11 )))|(% colspan="1" style="text-align:center; width:180px" %)(% colspan="1" %)
Admin 11.1 12 (((
13 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
14 (((
rangee rangee 26.2 15 [[[[image:attach:image2020-4-22_16-14-43.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.10\.00.Admin Guide 10\.00.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.C\. Benutzereinstellungen.3\.C\.A\. Root-Terminal-Passwort]] [[Root Terminal Password>>doc:Handbuecher.10\.00.Admin Guide 10\.00.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.C\. Benutzereinstellungen.3\.C\.A\. Root-Terminal-Passwort]]
Admin 11.1 16 )))
17 )))
19 (% class="auto-cursor-target" %)
20 (//klicken Sie die Kacheln an um zum jeweiligen Punkt zu springen//)
23 (% class="auto-cursor-target" %)
24 ~-~--
rangee rangee 26.2 26 With this form the administrator can set up additional administrators locally on the device and specify appropriate access rights.
Admin 11.1 27
28 {{info}}
rangee rangee 26.2 29 Please note that a assignment or the changing of a password, the password has to contain at least three characters. Passwords with less than three characters are not accepted by the system.
Admin 11.1 30 {{/info}}
rangee rangee 26.2 33 The Guest account is a predefined user account with limited rights.
Admin 11.1 34
rangee rangee 26.2 35 {{lightbox image="user_1.PNG"/}}