3.G.B.A. USBGuard Daemon

Last modified by rangee rangee on 2021/10/08 14:37

USBGuard is a software framework, which helps to protect your computer against rogue USB devices, by implementing basic whitelisting and blacklisting capabilities, based on device attributes.

Please note, that a faulty configuration of the USBGuard service can cause any USB-based input devices to not be allowed access to the system. In this case, you can reset the USBGuard device-configuration by clicking on the button labeled Generate initial policy.

Enable USBGuard: To be able to use the USBGuard service, this setting needs to be activated. If you disable this setting, while the service has already been running, the system needs to be restarted, otherwise your USB devices might not respond correctly.

Policy towards subsequently connected devices: With this setting you can determine how USBGuard is supposed to deal with USB devices, which are being connected after the service has been started, but have no defined ruleset. The following options are available:

  • ALLOW Authorises the device and grants it access to the system.
  • BLOCK Deauthorises the device and denies it access to the system. However, it is still possible to e.g. charge devices through the system's USB ports.
  • REJECT Removes the device from the system, entirely.

Generate initial policy: If you click this button USBGuard will generate a new ruleset, allowing all currently connected USB devices access to the system. This is especially helpful in cases where your USBGuard configuration can lead to unintended behaviour, or to quickly generate a simple configuration for your USB devices.

Ignore TCMS settings: If you want this Thin Client to ignore the TCMS settings regarding this configuration screen you can enable this setting. TCMS settings can be found under Remote Administration -> TCMS Settings. Disabled by default.


Tags: Thin Client
Created by paul on 2021/02/25 17:04
Translated into en by rangee rangee on 2021/10/08 14:37
Rangee GmbH ©2022