Wiki source code of 3.G.E. Smartcards

Last modified by Patrick Theil on 2023/11/03 14:16

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9 [[[[image:attach:image2020-4-29_12-52-10.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.G Peripherie.3\.G\.A\. Touchscreen Konfiguration]] [[Touchscreen Configuration>>doc:3\.G\.A\. Touchscreen Konfiguration]]
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15 [[[[image:attach:image2020-4-29_12-52-18.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.G Peripherie.3\.G\.B\. USB-Geräte.WebHome]] [[USB Devices>>doc:.3\.G\.B\. USB-Geräte.WebHome]]
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21 [[[[image:attach:image2020-4-29_12-52-28.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.G Peripherie.3\.G\.C\. Drucker-Konfiguration.WebHome]] [[Printer Configuration>>doc:.3\.G\.C\. Drucker-Konfiguration.WebHome]]
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27 [[[[image:image2020-4-29_12-52-55.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.G Peripherie.3\.G\.D\. Konfiguration von Laufwerkszuordnungen.WebHome]] [[Drive Mappings>>doc:.3\.G\.D\. Konfiguration von Laufwerkszuordnungen.WebHome]]
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33 [[image:attach:image2020-4-29_12-53-18.png]] Smartcards
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39 [[[[image:attach:image2020-4-29_12-54-9.png]]>>doc:Handbuecher.Handbuch11.Kapitel 3 - Administration des Clients.3\.G Peripherie.3\.G\.F\. Bluetooth Konfiguration]] [[Bluetooth Configuration>>doc:3\.G\.F\. Bluetooth Konfiguration]]
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50 You activate the secure authentication via smart card via Activate smart card support. Here you can see whether an activated smart card reader is available. Different authentication methods e.g. DATEV are possible here using RDP and ICA, with both internal and external smart card readers (Certified DATEV-SC reader and mIDentity sticks). This option is also used for online banking on thin clients using ctapi under RDP or ICA.
51 For more information on which processes are currently supported, please contact Rangee Support: [[(% class="wikiinternallink link_external wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink" %)>>||class="ulink" shape="rect"]](%%).
54 {{lightbox image="image2020-4-29_12-29-35.png"/}}