3.E. Remote Administration

Last modified by rangee rangee on 2021/10/08 15:01



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Because of the integrated HTTP web server the administrator can connect to the Rangee Thin Client from every web browser on the network. So the setting options via remote access are the same as for the local administration via Kommbox.
The Remote access via web browser is activated by default and occurs via the HTTPS protocol which builds up a secure http connection to the Rangee Thin Client. Standard port for HTTPS connections is the port 443. At custom web port (https) you have the option to add another released port. To access a Rangee Thin Client, simply type https://<IP-Adresse> in the address bar of the web browser.
Another option Rangee Linux offers for remote administration is Remote access via VNC. The abbrevation VNC stands for Virtual Network Control and offers the administrator the ability by using a previously established VNC password to reflect the screen on a remote computer (for example on Windows by using a VNC viewer). By displaying the VNC restart icon the user ensures with a double click on this icon that the reflection is ended.
Please always use the latest VNC viewer for the desktop reflection which you can download at http://www.realvnc.com. You have the option to enter a custom VNC port instead of the standard port 5900. With the behaviour of external connection via VNC, you define how the local user should be informed about the desktop reflection.

For more information on remote access via SSH see chapter Advanced administration -> Remote-Access via SSH.

Aditionally you can configure the SSH access, the RangeeOS Windows Toolbox and the Vendor Access.
For further information about SSH view: Remote Access via SSH
For further information about RangeeOS Windows Toolbox view: RangeeOS Windows Toolbox
For further information about Vendor Access view: Vendor Access