Wiki source code of Kapitel 1 - Einleitung

Last modified by Ulrich Mertz on 2023/11/30 11:19

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Tobias Wintrich 1.11 1 Rangee Linux is a state-of-the-art embedded Linux system for Thin Client devices that meet high demands on functionality.
2 Rangee Linux offers both comprehensive and flexible functions for networks with many different types of servers and web applications.
Admin 1.3 3
Tobias Wintrich 1.11 4 Thin Clients with Rangee Linux are compatible with remote desktop technologies like Windows 2019 Server, Windows 2022, Unix-based server and webappications.
Admin 1.3 5
Tobias Wintrich 1.11 6 Support for Citrix Workspace, Vmware VDI and a comprehensive number of local applications like Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex and Zoom offer a wide choice of user experience.
Admin 1.3 7
Tobias Wintrich 1.11 8 This manual is primarily intended for Thin Client administrators.
9 It describes how to start the Thin Client and how to configure it.
12 For additional help, the Rangee Support is available
13 by phone: +49 (0)241 / 997 28 50
15 by Email: [[>>]]
17 Or the contact forms on the Rangee website.